Sep 28, 2023
In this episode Mark reflects back to Episode 6 of this podcast, which was released on Feb 6, 2018.
He shares clips from that episode, in which he outlined three of the things that bothered him about the indie publishing world.
Reflecting back, he comments on a few things that have changed, and what is consistent more...
Sep 21, 2023
In this solo episode, Mark interviews Joe Solari about his new book May I Have a Moment of Your Attention?
Prior to the main content, Mark shares comments from recent episodes and then reflects on the reasons why he canceled a trip he was supposed to take to Florida to attend NINC (Novelist's Inc.)
This episode is...
Sep 15, 2023
In this solo episode, Mark reflects on his last few days in his old childhood home which has been in his family for three generations.
This episode is sponsored by the Patrons of the Stark Reflections Podcast.
Links of Interest:
Sep 7, 2023
Mark interviews Ricardo Fayet of Reedsy about their new online course on How to Write a Novel.
Prior to the interview, Mark shares and reflects on a brief industry update related to Amazon's recent AI-related change, comments from recent episodes, and word about this episode's sponsor.
Reedsy contains an online...